Izdelki za astronomskim mrežam (3)

Okrogle vrtalne glave

Okrogle vrtalne glave

Round drill heads
Merilni Mikroskopi

Merilni Mikroskopi

Our measuring microscopes accommodate highquality optics in a robust lightmetal body. They are universally applicable, e.g. for testing hardness, evaluating Brinell and Vickers hardness, in graphics or for noncontact measurement of small parts and small distances. Our 20x/7 mm, 30x/5 mm, 40x/4 mm, 60x/2 mm and 100x/1 mm measuring microscopes feature batteryoperated LED illumination as standard.


Spectrometers are scientific instruments used to measure the composition and properties of matter by analyzing the spectra of light that it emits, reflects, or transmits. Find all kinds of spectrometers from verified suppliers, including TOPTICA, Edmund, Hamamatsu, Broadcom, MenloSystems and +100 suppliers. Request a Quote Online.